How PCOS Cause Diabetes

How PCOS Cause Diabetes – If Diabetes A Symptom of PCOS

Hormones play a significant role in many bodily functions. The various systems in the human body interconnected, and several hormones govern a wide range of actions. For instance, a condition like PCOS can disrupt hormonal balance and known to contribute to how PCOS causes diabetes. Many times, a single hormone imbalance can cause a slew of problems that you are unaware of.

One such correlation between PCOS and diabetes Type 2. PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a condition in which the ovaries produce an inordinate amount of male hormone. The correlation between Polycystic ovarian syndrome and type 2 diabetes in women has long debated. However, you may wondering How PCOS Cause Diabetes?

Today, we’ll look at how polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) causes diabetes, as well as the many risk factors and whether you’re at risk of diabetes due to PCOS.

How are PCOS and Diabetes linked?

Understanding the relationship between Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and diabetes requires an understanding of how hormonal imbalance occurs. Polycistronic ovarian syndrome affects the female body’s endocrine system, especially the ovaries, where the level of male hormones such as testosterone rises. Some of the difficulties that people with PCOS encounter are as follows:

  • Menstrual period irregularity.
  • Enhanced male-like physical characteristics such as hair growth on the face and excessive hair growth.
  • Problems associated with infertility.

PCOS is also associated with an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and excess fat deposition around the organs.

According to the CDC, women with PCOS are insulin resistant. Insulin resistance is now one of the major causes of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the body’s cells become resistant to the hormone insulin, which functions by regulating blood sugar levels in the body.

But How Exactly Can PCOS Cause Diabetes or Insulin Resistance?

As previously stated, PCOS causes an increase in the male hormone testosterone. This testosterone has shown to enhance insulin production by pancreatic cells. As a result, when the amount of insulin raised and there is consistent availability of insulin, the body cells develop insulin resistance, resulting in diabetes type 2. This insulin encourages the ovaries to make more testosterone, creating a never-ending cycle. This is how PCOS causes diabetes in females.

Symptoms of Insulin Resistance in PCOS

Dealing with PCOS may a challenging process that requires regular monitoring. It is critical to monitor your body to ensure that you do not develop insulin resistance. These are some of the insulin resistance signs in PCOS.

  • There is a noticeable darkening of the skin around the genital, behind the leg, and around the neck.
  • The frequency of urine rises. Women may feel more fatigued than normal, with increased cravings for salty and sweet foods.
  • Tingling and numbness in the hands or feet Insulin resistance symptoms in women are subjective and might differ from one woman to another, depending on the severity of PCOS.
  • If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, it is critical to monitor your blood sugar levels in order to decrease your chance of developing prediabetes or Diabetes due to polycystic ovaries.

What are the Risk Factors?

PCOS is frequently identified as one of the major risk factors for acquiring type 2 diabetes. However, aside from having the condition, there are a few additional variables that might increase your risk of diabetes due to PCOS:

  • If you are overweight or have a BMI of more than 25, you are at risk of developing diabetes.
  • If you already suffer from PCOS or seeking PCOS treatment, one of the major factors that can lead to diabetes is a lack of physical activity in daily life.
  • If insulin resistance runs in a family and there is a history of diabetes in the family.
  • Consuming a diet deficient in vitamins and minerals.
  • Having a daily sugar consumption that is far too high.

how PCOS Cause Diabetes

When to Get Help?

If you have already been diagnosed with PCOS, it is typically recommended that you consult an experienced doctor like Dr. Hemi Soneja to monitor your insulin and testosterone levels to prevent the early onset of prediabetes or diabetes. These are some points to keep in mind, and consult a doctor:

  • When you notice that your PCOS symptoms are worsening, you should ask your diabetes specialist doctor to check your blood glucose levels.
  • If you notice that you are gaining excess abdominal fat, your periods are becoming more irregular or completely absent, or you have excessive hair growth.
  • If you see a darkening of your skin around the groin.
  • If you believe your PCOS medicines aren’t working and you’re suffering exhaustion even while undertaking simple activities like brisk walking or walking a flight of stairs.
  • You’re experiencing common diabetic symptoms like frequent urination and sugar cravings.


Suffering from diabetes due to PCOS is a serious condition to be in. The issue of PCOS causing diabetes can be managed with the aid of a skilled diabetologist like Dr. Hemi and a contemporary, well-equipped clinic. Her holistic approach and patient-centred attitude to deal with problems aids in the prevention of diabetes.  You will receive the appropriate advice and care at Dr. Hemi Soneja Clinic based on your condition.

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