Numerous Obesity specialist doctor in delhi believes obesity or being overweight is not just a cosmetic issue but can be a serious medical problem in itself and can give rise to various other metabolic problems related to excess weight - like
Obesity can be because of multiple reasons and most of the time it is because of a combination of factors. The various common causes are:
Diabetes specialist doctors in delhi understand that it is not a “character flaw” but a real disease. For individuals who have an increased tendency to put on weight due to various reasons, have a tough time maintaining or losing weight. As part of evaluation for an individual with problems with Obesity, we want to firstly look at the cause of it, see what effects is Obesity having on other organ systems and accordingly devise a treatment plan keeping into consideration the age, other medical problems and amount of excess weight an individual has.
Overall, for effective weight management a comprehensive approach with healthy diet and regular exercise is needed. Along with this, there are certain weight loss medications available as well in tablet and injectable form which can be effective in achieving desired weight.
Of course beyond a certain BMI, depending on age and other concomitant medical problems, weight loss surgery is recommended. Weight loss surgery or Bariatric Surgery is now a commonly performed procedure with excellent results for the most part. As an Obesity specialist doctor in delhi - I help guide patients choose the best treatment method and help them in their weight loss journey. Obesity is a long term medical problem and has to be dealt with accordingly so that whatever changes you bring about, you maintain it over a long term so as to obtain maximum benefits.