A lot is going in the field of Diabetes management. There used to be a time when glucose monitoring was done using Uristix by the diabetologists, which would estimate the sugar levels in the body using the urine sample – which was far from accurate but helped differentiate between normal and very high sugar levels. Then came the glucometers, which would instantly tell us about the blood sugar levels and was revolutionary. They are still being used both by patients at home and in clinics and hospitals for monitoring regularly. People on multiple daily doses of insulin or who have significant fluctuations in their blood sugar levels need to monitor their sugars more often, at times upto seven times a day, including 2 am. We now have new systems that help assess your blood sugar levels without having to prick repeatedly, and these are called Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems. The ones available in India at present can be used for upto 14 days at a time and give an excellent idea about your sugar levels, their relation with meals and exercise, and help with medication and insulin dose adjustments. They can aid in your Diabetes management significantly without the hassle of frequently pricking daily.
Now there is a six-month implantable device available which senses the blood glucose levels in the blood and helps with better and easier management. These are not yet available in India, but hopefully would be available soon.
Example of how a Continuous glucose monitor reading looks like - it gives us a good idea about your sugar patterns for the day and helps us adjust your treatment appropriately with that.
Another example of continuous glucose monitoring - this patient was advised to make significant dietary modifications. You can see how the levels improved significantly within a matter of days - from an average of 380 to 146 within one week.
ORAL SEMAGLUTIDE – There is a class of medications for Diabetes – called GLP-1 agonists, which help with weight loss as well and are suitable for the heart also. These were only available as injections till now. Recently oral preparation of Semaglutide was approved for use by FDA. Although it is currently not available in India, it should soon be available.
ONCE A WEEK INJECTABLE MEDICATION FOR DIABETES – There is now a once-a-week injectable medication available for Diabetes – Dulaglutide, which has been available in India for the past few years. It helps achieve reasonable glucose control and also helps in weight loss, and is cardioprotective as well. Once a week dosing means it is easier to take, improves compliance and acceptability.